Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm so cool, too bad I'm a loser.

Dear Helicopter Parents,

I've had it up to HERE (pretend I'm holding my arm up as high as I can reach) with your petty questions and snotty comments about how nasty the apartments are and/or how stupid we apartment RAs are. I've seen some pretty nasty apartments in my days, and comparatively speaking, these ones are really not that bad. More importantly, your child is in college (and most likely an upperclassman if they're living in the apartments); let them take care of themselves, ask their own questions, and fight their own battles. We're doing more work than you can imagine to make sure that your little angel has a fun and safe place to live, and we don't appreciate being snapped at for things that are beyond our control. We didn't build these apartments.


P.S. I realize that the helicopter parents will be even worse once I start teaching. I also realize that when I have kids, I will definitely be a helicopter parent myself. However, that's only because my children legitimately will be the most important children ever. Duh.