Dear Loyal Blog-readers,
I'm sorry that I haven't been posting as frequently as I had planned on in the new year. To be honest, I haven't been in a very comical mood as of lately...but that's not your fault, beautiful fans.
You've probably heard this often misattributed quote: "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle". I was reminded of this a few days ago, when one of my students walked into class looking a bit down. "Everything okay, (student's name)?" I said, to which she replied "I'm just not in a very good mood today...". At first I thought "oh please, your little seventh-grader problems ain't got nothing on my quarter-life crisis!" but then I reminded myself that I have absolutely no right to judge this girl, since I don't know her battles.
If you're reading this, chances are you're fighting your own battle. I truly wish there was something I could do to make your battle easier, but I will tell you this: whatever your battle may be, both time and love will make it easier. Be strong, but let yourself be sad when you need to be. Remind yourself that this too shall pass. Don't be afraid to reach out to those around you; regardless of how petty you think your battle is, know that there are people who love you and who will be there for you, whatever that entails. And hey, if you're one of my loyal blog-readers, that includes me. No foolin'.