Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My blues are gone forever.

Dear Professor,

How exactly am I supposed to write a 1-2 page reflection on an article that isn't even 2 pages long? This does not compute. You've been driving me crazy in general lately, but this assignment is like the crazy icing on the crazy cake.

Come to think of it, that hypothetical cake might not taste too bad...

Regardless, please get your shit together (I said please!).


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Our hell ends every weekend.

Dear Doors,

I'm getting a little frustrated with the social norms associated with you. Sure, if I'm walking at a moderate pace, and there's someone within a reasonable distance behind me when I open a door, I have no problem holding the door open for them. However, if I'm clearly in a hurry (which is 75% of the time at school) and the person behind me is at a questionable distance (meaning that if I let the door close, it wouldn't slam in their face), then unless they're physically incapable of opening the door (i.e. they're a small child, physically impaired, or carrying something), I don't see why I have to risk being late to whatever obligation I happen to be running to, just to open a freaking door for them.

Honestly, when I'm really racing the clock, I'll usually just blow through a door without looking back to see if anyone's behind me. Whenever this happens, I feel the need to make it crystal clear that I'm in a hurry and simply do not have time to hold the door open for anyone, so that people won't think I'm just being a jerk. Why do I care what random people that I will probably never see again think of me (especially if they're really only seeing the back of my head)? You know, that's a really good question...but I think I'll leave that for another blog.

In conclusion, Doors, I think you're just more trouble than you're worth. Sure, without you we wouldn't be able to enter buildings (or we'd just have a huge gap in the wall of every building, that could never be closed), but are all the awkward moments, broken noses, and ruined reputations worth it?


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The wheel breaks the butterfly.

Dear Sleep,

You're beautiful. Has anyone ever told you that? Seriously, I long for you more and more each day, and without you my body grows weary. Why, you ask, have I been cheating on you with caffeine? Well, it's basically the same reason most guys cheat on their girlfriends: I'm not getting any, and caffeine's easier. Regardless, I know you're better for me in the long run, so just hang in there baby. I'll come back to you someday.
